Spain Releases Details of AI Strategy 2024
The Spanish Government published additional information on its AI Strategy 2024, which was approved on 15 May 2024. The strategy will be implemented during 2024-2025.
The strategy has three main axes: strengthening AI deployment throughout the economy, facilitating AI application in the public and private sectors, and promoting transparent, responsible, and humanistic AI. The Spanish AI Supervision Agency (AESIA), created in August 2023, will work on achieving consensus on AI's use, limits, and interaction between people and developments.
The Government plans to create a language model specifically trained in Spanish and co-official languages to reduce biases and improve practical applications. This model aims to provide an open, public, and accessible language infrastructure.
A cybersecurity law is being developed to provide a framework for national cybersecurity, with the National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE) focusing on innovation, collaboration, and AI adoption in the field.
The strategy outlines potential AI uses in various sectors, including healthcare, education, climate change, energy management, administration, and companies. The press release also lists ongoing AI projects in Spain related to sustainability.