EU Prepares for AI Act with Inaugural Board Meeting

The European Commission hosted a high-level meeting to lay the groundwork for the upcoming AI Board, a key body in implementing the EU's landmark AI Act. The gathering aimed to "set the groundwork for the forthcoming implementation of the AI Act," which is expected to come into force in early August.

Delegates from all EU Member States joined European Commission officials to discuss key aspects of the AI Act's implementation. The agenda covered the "strategic vision on the implementation of the AI Act and the role of the Board," "national approaches to AI Act governance and supervision," and the " organisation of the Board, such as its mandate, the process for selecting a Chair, decision making process and the creation of sub-groups." Observers from the European Data Protection Supervisor and EEA/EFTA countries also attended.

The meeting focused on ensuring a "robust and timely setup for the AI governance framework." A follow-up meeting is scheduled for early autumn, after the AI Act's entry into force. The AI Board's establishment and responsibilities are detailed in Articles 65 and 66 of the AI Act.


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