The success of our policy work at EU level depends on external funding for our priority work, a coordinated and supportive network and strong alliances with key stakeholders and partners.

Funding Policy

Independence, diversity, and sustainability are central to our ability to carry out our mission, and we rely on the support of a diverse range of stakeholders.

The majority of our support comes from foundations, individuals, and civil society organizations. To ensure the independence, and integrity of our organization, we accept support contingent upon the following non-negotiables:

  • CAIDP Europe does not accept funding that places its staff, partners, supported communities, or mission at risk.

  • CAIDP Europe does not accept funding that jeopardizes its relationship with its partners, stakeholders, or supported communities and networks.

  • CAIDP Europe does not accept funding that compromises its organizational independence, including funding relationships that may influence its priorities, policy positions, advocacy efforts, regions of focus, or direct action work.

  • CAIDP Europe does not accept funding that poses a risk to its reputation more broadly or with respect to specific programmatic areas of work.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us in the case of questions.