CAIDP statement on AI Committee draft recommendation for Council of Europe AI Treaty

The Council of Europe Committee on AI has finalised the text for a Convention on Artificial Intelligence, Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law.

Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić, said the proposed AI treaty “sets out a legal framework that covers AI systems throughout their lifecycles, from start to end.” The proposal from the Committee on AI will be referred to the Committee of Ministers for consideration and opened for signature at a later stage.

Dr. Karine Caunes, CAIDP Europe Executive Director said, “We are disappointed that the text of the Committee did not fully reach the AI systems that have the greatest impact, those that are deployed in the private sector. The national security and defense exemptions are also of concern. But we recognize the significance of the outcome.”

Dr. Caunes continued, “The Council of Europe AI Treaty will be a milestone in the journey to ensure that AI remains human-centric and trustworthy. The AI Treaty should result in the establishment of a comprehensive international monitoring mechanism.”

Throughout the five-year process, NGOs, including the Center for AI and Digital Policy, worked to ensure that the treaty fulfilled its mandate and that the Council of Europe maintained a transparent process for democratic decisionmaking. In one surprising move, non-member states of the Council of Europe excluded NGOs from the drafting process and created a secretive procedure for negotiations.

Dr. Caunes said, “It is still an open question whether the Committee on AI has fulfilled its purpose to establish a transversal legal instrument. We hope the Committee of Ministers will consider this issue carefully and adopt necessary amendments prior to support for the text.”


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The CoE Convention on AI, Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law. Is the Council of Europe losing its compass?