European Parliament Sets Up Working Group to Oversee Implementation of the AI Act

According to both Euractiv and MLex, the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) Committee and the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) Committee will set up a Working Group to ensure effective implementation of the AI Act. The European Commission plays a central role in the implementation of the AI Act. The Parliament is seeking to ensure the Commission fulfils is its responsibilities.

MLEX - "The initiative follows the footprints of similar working groups that were set up to monitor the enforcement of the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act and maintain pressure on the European Commission."

Euractiv - "Members of the European Parliament have previously expressed concerns over the lack of transparency around the AI Office’s staffing process, as well as the involvement of civil society in parts of the implementation process."

Members of the Center for AI and Digital Policy met with members of the IMCO and LIBE committees during the development of the AI Act, provided detailed comments on the legislation, and then published a report for the European AI & Society Fund "Making the AI Act work: How civil society can ensure Europe’s new regulation serves people &
" (September 2023).

There are several upcoming deadlines for the AI Act:

6-months after adoption (Feb 2025)

  • Ban on high-risk AI systems (subliminal techniques, exploitive technqiues, web scraping of facial images)

  • AI literacy obligations published

12-months (August 2025)

  • Obligations for General Purpose AI Systems established

  • Serious incident reporting guidance published

  • Enforcement provisions established

18-months (Feb 2026)

  • Guidance for High-risk AI Systems published


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